To get a flat stomach , you can go through a healthy, low-calorie diet and plenty of exercise. You can speed…
The Fastest Way to Lose 10 Pounds
If you have a big event or beach vacation coming up, then this article is perfect for you to red…
Weight Loss Hormones
Whether it’s your period, menopause, stress, a hysterectomy, or plain old heredity,women’s diet was always affected by their changing of…
The 7 Best Weight Loss Snacks
It’s no secret that loading up on fruits and vegetables is a must for eating clean. But when it comes…
50 ways to lose 10 pounds
When you are wanting to lose weight, unfortunately, isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition. Not everyone’s metabolism works the same way. So…
How To Lose Stomach Fat
Wanting to lose stomach fat is a desire for anyone trying to improve their physique. You can’t really target stomach…
How To Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Weeks
If you have a wedding, reunion or another event coming up in three weeks, you may want to set a…
4 Steps To Lose 20 Pounds
This is an emergency weight loss plan & not a permanent weight loss plan because it’s not easily sustainable for…
How To lose 10 POUNDS in 3 DAYS
3 Day Diet Menu Plan The Military Diet, or the 3 day diet, is a quick way to lose up…
Pilates for Knees
If your knees crunch and crack when you go down into a deep squat, or if you hear popping sounds in…
Tips on Becoming a Health Coach
One of the biggest trends in the fitness professional world is health coaching. A health coach meets with clients on…
Lose Weight Drinking Tequila
Great News! A new Study by the American Chemical Society, made a discovery that the sugars found int he plant…